Why Credit Unions Need Outside Help with Leadership Training (And How to Choose the Right Agency)

Effective leaders are integral to a credit union’s success. That fact underscores the vast importance of leadership training for current and up-and-coming leaders. Many credit unions try to handle credit union leadership training in-house, and others opt for an external agency. If you’re not sure which route would be best, read on. We’ll share why credit unions need outside help with leadership training.

Reasons to Choose an External Agency for Leadership Training Help

Credit unions that use external agencies for leadership training stand to gain multiple benefits that are off the table with in-house training. We’ll take a quick look at them below:

Fresh Perspectives

When you go outside your organization for help with leadership training, you’ll get to benefit from fresh perspectives that could only come from an outsider. External leadership training is conducted by people who don’t carry the same biases as your internal team and won’t necessarily follow the norms that are prevalent at your credit union. This is a major boon because it means those who are taking the leadership training will have the opportunity to grow and improve in areas that may have otherwise been overlooked. 

Specialized Expertise

Your credit union’s leaders could make sizable strides in leadership under the tutelage of educators from external agencies because of their specialized expertise. More often than not, professional agencies have honed their skills in implementing training in specific areas – conflict resolution, change management, and virtual leadership are just a few. What’s more, is that these agencies are able to mix up their offerings to ensure that all the bases are covered for your credit union’s current and aspiring leaders.

Increased ROI

Investing in leadership training through an external agency could very well result in a bigger ROI for your credit union. These agencies seek out and develop bonafide experts to lead their training programs. They know how to keep everyone engaged, place emphasis on the most important leadership concepts, and influence your leadership team to:  

  • Quickly make the right decisions for the company. 
  • Boost your credit union’s efficiency. 
  • Dependably lead their respective teams to success. 


These benefits ultimately translate into better ROI for you. 

How to Choose the Right Agency for Your Credit Union

Let us be clear – not every agency is right for your credit union. They’re all different, running the gamut from bad actors to inexperienced wannabes to utter professionals. We want to help you find the latter. Here are some tips to help you choose the right agency for your credit union: 

  • Take a good, hard look at your credit union’s needs. What are you hoping to achieve through credit union leadership training? Which training areas are most important for your team? The answers to these questions will be immensely helpful as you’re weighing your agency options. 
  • Look at agencies online to gauge their track record. If you’re looking for quality credit union leadership training, focus on each agency’s track record. How well have they performed for clients in the past? How much better did leaders perform after receiving training from the agency? 
  • Consider your budget and the agency’s pricing. Pricing shouldn’t always be the deciding factor – cheaper training could very well mean lower-quality training. At the same time, going way above your budget can create undue hardship for your credit union.  
  • Get a feel for their cultural fit and communication style. Ensure that the agency you choose has trainers that can communicate in a way that encourages your team to connect. Also, it’s best that there’s a cultural fit between your credit union and the agency. That way, the principles and strategies brought up in the training will align with your credit union’s values. 

So, there you have it – why credit unions should seek outside help with leadership training and several tips on how to choose the right agency for your specific credit union. We wish you the best as you use credit union leadership training to take your company to higher heights. 


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