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What If Your Partner Does Not Agree For Divorce?

When you are thinking of ending the marriage, the chances of mutual agreement are quite low. It is usually seen that one partner is not willing to get a divorce. In such cases, having a family law attorney to guide you is really important.

Lawyers in Massachusetts are highly experienced in divorce settlements. They would advocate for both parties extensively on different matters. Resolving the issue at hand is their utmost priority.

You can try giving your partner reasonable points. However, if that doesn’t work out, then you can proceed with the legal process. You can contact Turco Legal to hire a family law attorney. They are located in Newburyport, Massachusetts. The team at Turco Legal consists of individuals who are highly qualified and specialize in dealing with divorce cases.

What are your options?

  • Seek advice from a third party.

If you two can’t come to a mutual decision, go to a professional. They may help in listing the reasons why the marriage is no longer working out. They may also help you to convince your partner and give reasonable points to the spouse. They will assess the whole situation and give logical advice to both of you.

  • Go for couple counseling.

Couple counseling is becoming more and more common. You can try to resolve conflicts by going to a counselor. The counselor will listen to both sides of the story. They will come up with alternatives for both of you. You can choose the option that works for both.

  • Go for separation legally.

This would not mean you have got a divorce. However, it can take you some time to think about the whole situation. You will have more clarity on your decision. Many times, people jump to conclusions too soon. Make sure this is not the case with you. There should not be any doubt in your mind about your decision. You will get more space through separation. Spending time alone can make you realize many things.

  • Hire a family law attorney.

An attorney’s job is to bring a solution to your problem. Hiring one can help you overcome a difficult situation. A family law attorney can guide you in the legal process. They will help you file the case and explore the different options for you. They will tell you about your rights, what you can do if your partner is not ready for the divorce, etc. Many times, the case is too complex. The lawyers in Massachusetts are known to handle complex divorce cases.

  • Stay patient

In such a situation, one can easily lose their temper. It would help if you remembered that divorce cases take time. When the other partner is not ready for it, the procedure can be even lengthier. Try to seek emotional support from your loved ones. It can be a challenging situation for many. Try to rely on the people you can trust.

Hire a family law attorney today!

Proceed with the legal process when nothing works out! The team at Turco Legal will guide you at every step. Let them take the responsibility of getting you out of this difficult situation. They are a group of professionals who know their job very well. Hire a family law attorney for your divorce case today.


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