EducationWhat Are The Top 10 Essential Skills Every Child...

What Are The Top 10 Essential Skills Every Child Should Develop In School?


With the changing time and dynamic advances in research and technology, education is also one such institution that is changing by leaps and bounds. Nowadays, parents are not sending their children to go to school for just their primary academic growth.

Yes, academic growth is still at the heart of every school’s curriculum, but there has been a noticeable shift. Rather than focusing on how much a child can mug up and pour on their answer sheets. Or, how close they were to providing a line-by-line answer to that definition, teachers are focusing more on improving their cognitive skills.

Many have started to believe in the power of enhanced mental processes. If you improve a child’s cognitive skills, it will impact their memory, imagination, EQ (Emotional quotient), and Intelligence, among other things.

For that, children require a strong base, i.e. a school which offers to improve these skills from early childhood. Essentially the time when modelling a child’s mind is easier than in their later stages.

In this excerpt below, we will be discussing ten such skills which can help a child develop in school and why the top cbse schools in Gurgaon are hiring trained professionals to impart these skills.

Skills Which They Carry Forward

Learning through activities, practical learning, and learning through nature are just a few of the techniques to learn the following skills.

1. Problem-Solving Skills

Exam stress and the disability to do it all is the first thing these children will be going through in their later years. At times of exam peril, if they do not have critical thinking and problem-solving capabilities, they will be inviting unnecessary mental health issues like stress and anxiety.

Honing such problem-solving skills will help them navigate their way through difficult times in life. Whether it is exam stress, college admission or other worldly matters. Suggested by the top CBSE School in Gurgaon, imparting this skill through simpler activities by allowing them brainstorming time to get to the root of a problem and then find necessary solutions for them.

2. Communication Skills

Introversion and extraversion are personality traits which these children will take on with time. However, these shouldn’t be a barrier to their communication skills. For example, every child should be ready and willing to speak to their fellow classmates and teachers when they are facing difficulty.

Vocabulary and articulations are two such important communication skills which every teacher should help practise from a very young age.

3. Time Management

Not being able to create a good schedule and manage one’s time mindfully is one of the biggest catalysts to exam stress. Honing these skills before the academic stress ensues will help children use them at the right time.

Teachers have started encouraging children to count their number of active hours and assigning work to them. Knowing when to stop working on a task and having time for everything, including recreation, are definitely skills included in time management.

4. Interpersonal Skills

Every child needs the confidence to interact with their peers without hesitation. It is only through building interpersonal skills and helping them find the right words and gestures they can communicate with them will build their confidence.

Remember, interpersonal skills are not just about allowing them to understand the different ways in which they can communicate, but also other factors which can enhance their social interaction skills. For example, interpersonal skills should make a child understand the importance of cooperating, sharing, and adjusting.

Overall, good interpersonal skills will help them adjust and adapt to their environment better.

5. Coping-Mechanism

We have often heard that emotional tantrums among children are quite common. However, bypassing them as an act of childish innocence rather than something to discipline and control is wrong.

This doesn’t mean that every teacher and parent should discipline with an iron fist. However, teaching them the right coping mechanism in the face of these emotional outbursts of anger and adamancy will help build their EQ.

A better emotional quotient will help them control their emotions and use them rightfully in the later and more difficult stages of their life.

6. Self-Advocacy Skills

We all know that speaking for oneself and standing strong to one’s difficulties is very important in today’s day and age. Many teachers and individuals working with children’s curriculum believe that honing such a skill from a young age is important.

Teachers have to work on breaking the fear of speaking out, addressing the intimidation which stops them from addressing an issue, and the proper way to voice their opinion within the class and in an external environment.

7. Creative Thinking

Constructing your mind within a given boundary has never helped any student to reach their full potential. They might find their way to pass exams without much difficulty, but forcing them to explore all their academic and extracurricular capabilities with a given formula boxes them.

This is why many schools are encouraging children to enhance their creativity through different co-curricular and extracurricular activities. This also helps judge where the child’s talents are and assists children in exploring individual potential more.

Teachers, through subjects like art and English literature, are allowing children to dive more into their creative side. On the other hand, one of the best school for admission in Gurgaon is also introducing a plethora of co-curricular activities like poetry, carpentry, painting, and even Information Technology. These are encouraging storytelling, imagination, creativity and finding one’s unique style.

8. Improving Physical Health

Teachers in many primary and secondary schools are learning the psychological effects of improving physical health. It is high time for even parents to understand that simply constricting a child’s childhood between books and four walls is not enough.

From a psychological point of view, lack of physical activity can stagnant their social growth, which will affect them heavily in later years. Good physical activity is a great form of recreation as it improves proper chemical release. It also helps increase concentration which will eventually mark their academic growth.

9. Improving Self-Worth

From a very young age, a child should learn to appreciate oneself. A lack of self-worth in their upcoming adolescent year can become a catalyst for a few poor decisions. Yes, the hormonal imbalance during these growing years is partially to be blamed. However, when it comes to the different insecurities they will be plagued with, a little preparation will always help.

Teachers should create a healthy, constructive environment within the classroom which does not highlight the child’s insecurities. Giving constructive criticism, which can help a child grow, is always encouraged rather than demeaning them, even during minor mistakes.

10. Being Conscientious

Being conscientious is crucial for children as it cultivates responsible behaviors, discipline, and ethical decision-making. It forms the foundation for accountability, self-control, and long-term success.

Conscientious children tend to excel academically, complete tasks diligently, and show empathy towards others. This skill nurtures organization, time management, and goal achievement, fostering habits that benefit them throughout life.

Teaching conscientiousness helps them navigate challenges with integrity, build healthy relationships, and contribute positively to society. It empowers them to consider consequences, make thoughtful choices, and become well-rounded, capable individuals who value both personal growth and societal well-being.

Why These Skills Are Necessary For Schools

It is high time that teachers and parents are having this academic epiphany. If a classroom has fifty students, the teacher has a responsibility to nurture fifty minds. In no sense of human psychological evolution can one guarantee that a single type of education cannot fit all boxes.

Just because someone is not attuned to a traditional form of learning doesn’t automatically mean they are incompetent. This means the primary education provider should look through other methods to impart the core skills within them.

This brought about the concept of holistic learning where rather than just focusing on the mind, teachers started focusing on different activities which can bring about change.

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