
The Digital Age Towards The Differently Abled

What every parent and professional should know: The first thing you should consider is opportunities for communication. Both deaf children and deaf parents can do ASL (American Sign Language) and the English language. They are bilingual and literacy is very important for them. Visual technology is highly valued for a Deaf child. Video phones with video relay services, cellphones, and pagers with data for emailing and texting. Light flashers connected to doorbells and phones, subtitles on the television, even online guides just like in spingenie.com, and accessible environment for Deaf community. Cochlear implants is a product of a medical philosophical perspective that sees a cure for deafness. Parents and Deaf children should be familiar with Disabilities Education Act, it affects the lives of Deaf children. There is a lot of technological efforts for sign language translation in academic projects and applications which should be identified for their pros and cons. Remember that digital platforms that offer recognition signals by movement of hands also recognize facial expressions and body gestures. 

A project of researchers from Portugal called Virtual Sign is innovative yet it only recognizes happiness, fear, anger, surprise, grief, and neutral. This can lead to mistranslation. MocapLab is a company that proposes using motion capture to recognize sign language. This will record all actions by hands, face, and body then data analysis will be in detail and translation to text or sound. However, it will require huge effort and it will be very expensive. ProDeaf and HandTalk translate text and voice to sign language. It is easy to use yet there are errors when it translates long texts and it does not recognize facial expressions and body gestures. Google Gesture translates sign language to voice through a bracelet that analyzes muscle activity and hand and forearm position thru electromyography. However, it is incomplete because it does not recognize facial expressions and body gestures. Some interesting solutions are being studied and developed to be available on digital platforms, but it will be a challenge to solve the effectivity and the missing keys. Therefore, up to now, there is no solution to solve real-time communication between the deaf and not deaf

What are some of the unique features of Deaf culture? They depend on the sense of seeing.  Importance of sign language in educational settings, Valuable connections within the Deaf community, using technology to defeat communication barriers, Cultural traditions through socialization in Deaf clubs, organizations, etc.  Deaf culture promotion through art, Specific norms and behaviors when communicating Visual strategies to call someone’s attention The present examination traces rambling work in a feeble field command occasion. The case is a gathering focused on assistive innovations that may assist people with incapacities increase better access to instructive and workspaces in India. The discoveries feature three components which supported occasion explicit rambling work – desultory lucidity, arrangement, and coordination. In illustrating such desultory work, the present examination of demonstrates how on-screen characters, who assemble as a gathering without high representative or asset support from amazing institutional elites, endeavor to impact more extensive procedures of organization. 

The number of disabled persons and the elderly is increasing, and innovation is also developing rapidly. When an assistive technology is used properly, has the ability to help disabled persons and the elderly in fulfilling their human rights and become progressively dynamic individuals from society. By the help of assistive technology, it can support the people to have an accessibility in their human rights. It can also help to support the state in reacting to the growth of population between the disabled persons and the elderly. Assistive technology also helps the people to gain and hold their employment. By the use of Assistive technology, it will help the disabled persons to learn online and be digitally literate. It can place the disabled people and elderly at the forefront for articulating or guiding their desires of Assistive technology. It can act as a registry of the use, training, and IT service requirements of an individual’s assistive technology as well as supporting information. Technological supports can free individuals from interacting with others, to live autonomously, just as living and working in their neighborhoods. “Assistive Technology is a right not a luxury, it enables me to contribute to the economy and to fulfill my employee role, which has a positive ripple effect on others. Assistive Technology makes the impossible possible.”. Innovation and society are intertwined in two directions with technology exerting a colossal impact over the manners by which we live. It provides disabled persons and elderly a rare opportunity to take part. Assistive engineering applies to functional devices that can empower disabled persons and more established individuals to boost their autonomy. The disabled persons with long-term deficiencies, chronic conditions, and the elderly have the rights to get to Assistive technology’s services that will help them in functioning within their families, education and employment. There isn’t an open door we as a general public can stand to miss.

Empowering persons with disabilities (PWDs) implicate their ability and skills to generate their own profession that is fit for them as well as encouraging the improvement of their own preference to grab opportunities for their self-growth. This case study tested the achievement of qualify PWDs terminated to the basics training, guiding them was an outstanding process of training and abilities development. When PWDs empowered in our community to lead to the continued proceeding development and acceptance of the community for people with disabilities, they have still the rights to be involved everyone have the equal power to get opportunities including with or without disabilities. Empowering disabled persons permissive them to independent living and to cooperate in entire form of life. However, PWDs are discriminated specially when it comes to employment mainly discrimination is one of the biggest problem faces them they have the strength and the ability to do things that other people can do they can show it even they are PWDs, they can also become an effective members in our society. People discovered that the higher members of PWDs are occupied in the urban areas they employed persons with visual condition while in rural areas they employed persons with hearing condition. 

The data findings of this research present that the greater number of PWDs depends on their family and friends just to get a job. Even though PWDs done their training just to get opportunities, the government prevents them from getting a job, however the government finds A way with their partnership with the non-local government to find better opportunities for PWDs. This study referring to the people with disabilities who are just being discriminated against when it comes to work, discriminating them is restricted by the law and rule of the authority. PWDs have the rights to be employed in a certain job. There are element on this study, the first element it explores how wide the law is for the equality for persons with disabilities in other part they also find out how much discrimination is covered when it comes to work and how it is being declared while on the second element they bringing up the personal perspective of the organization to their number of PWDs. We conclude that the persons with disabilities percentage for being unemployment is greater than to the public population but in the other hand we also conclude that the percentage of PWDs was being employed is a low ranking to the public communication. It includes that the PWDs obtain smaller earnings than people who doesn’t have disabilities. This research we want to explore if there’s a inequality among PWDs and non PWDs about how deep the division is in the population at employment discrimination, other organizations they hired persons with disabilities but they do not allow them to have face to face interactions with their clients.


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