EducationThe Complete Guide to Nootropics for Cognitive Enhancement

The Complete Guide to Nootropics for Cognitive Enhancement


Nootropics are gaining in popularity among students, business executives, programmers, and other professionals who want to improve their mental performance. However, with so many options available, it can be challenging to know which product to choose. This guide covers a complete overview of nootropics, including their types, benefits, and side effects, and gives a list of the best brain boosters for cognitive & productivity enhancement. Continue reading.

What Are Nootropics?

At some point in their life, some people aspire to be more intelligent, learn new things faster, and improve their reaction time & memory. Impressively, several compounds on the market claim to offer a combination of these benefits, and these substances are collectively referred to as nootropics (also known as “smart drugs”).

The term “nootropic” was first introduced in the 1970s by Dr. Corneliu Giurgea, a psychologist & chemist who synthesized a compound known as piracetam. Giurgea’s research revealed that piracetam could improve cognitive abilities, including memory, creativity, & verbal fluency. Since then, the definition of a nootropic has expanded to include both natural and synthetic substances that enhance cognitive functions while offering minimal negative effects, neuroprotective properties, & low toxicity [1].

While all nootropics are cognitive enhancers, not all cognitive enhancers qualify as nootropics. Some cognitive enhancers can improve certain cognitive functions but lack neuroprotective qualities and may have harmful negative effects. Another significant difference is that the body may develop tolerance to certain cognitive enhancers, reducing their effectiveness over time, whereas nootropics maintain their potency even with regular use.

Do Nootropics Really Improve Cognitive Functions?

Yes, nootropics can improve cognitive abilities, but according to a study, they are more effective in situations in which cognitive functions are impaired. They work by augmenting blood flow to the brain, boosting the production of neurotransmitters, & protecting brain cells from damage. Most brain boosters don’t have an immediate effect after a single dose, and that is why long-term use may be necessary to achieve the desired results [2].

In general, the extent and reliability of the nootropic effects vary depending on the substance used and the individual who takes it. Also, they may be dependent on factors such as age, gender, & genetic makeup. Some people may experience significant improvements in cognitive performance after taking certain nootropics, while others may not see any noticeable benefits.

Types of Nootropics

There are both synthetic and non-synthetic nootropics available over the counter or by prescription. “They can be classified into 3 types: prescription meds, synthetic compounds, & dietary supplements [3]. Let’s take a detailed look at each type.

Prescription Nootropics

Prescription nootropics are pharmaceutical drugs used to treat medical or mental conditions. Below are some popular meds in this category:

  • Ritalin (methylphenidate): This is a stimulant drug designed to help manage attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms;
  • Adderall (amphetamine): Similarly to Ritalin, it’s also used to treat ADHD in children & adults. Doctors can also prescribe it for the treatment of narcolepsy;
  • Axura (memantine): This is a med prescribed to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Axura helps lessen the symptoms of the condition, such as memory loss, confusion, & difficulty thinking & reasoning;
  • Provigil (modafinil) and Nuvigil (armodafinil): These are meds that belong to a class of drugs dubbed eugeroics. They are predominantly prescribed to treat sleep disorders such as narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. In addition to the approved indications, these meds can be used off-label to manage other conditions such as ADHD, Alzheimer’s disease, jet lag, & chronic fatigue syndrome.

While these meds are primarily used to treat or manage the illnesses they are indicated for, they are sometimes prescribed off-label for cognitive-enhancing purposes.

Synthetic Compounds

Synthetic nootropics, which are compounds specifically designed to enhance cognitive function, include racetams. Racetams are a class of drugs with a similar chemical structure that may work in different ways but are believed to modulate the actions of certain neurotransmitters, including acetylcholine and glutamate. Aniracetam, oxiracetam, phenylpiracetam, piracetam, and pramiracetam fall into this category. These compounds are readily available over the counter in the USA.

Dietary Supplements & Other Sources

This category includes vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs, as well as combinations of these substances. They are available in various forms: pills, capsules, and liquids. These products can be easily bought over the counter, and they are used to supplement your diet. Here is a list of some popular cognitive enhancement supplements & other sources that don’t require a prescription:

  • caffeine;
  • ginkgo biloba;
  • L-theanine;
  • Panax ginseng;
  • Alpha Brain;
  • Mind Lab Pro;
  • Gorilla Mind Rush.

While this type of nootropics can provide cognitive benefits, it’s essential to note that they aren’t without risks. Some may interact with meds or have negative effects.

The Best Smart Drugs for Cognitive Enhancement

While there is still much debate & research on the efficacy & safety of “smart drugs,” they continue to be a popular topic in the field of cognitive amelioration. Some of the best nootropics for powering cognition include the following:

  • modafinil: This is a prescription drug that’s commonly used off-label as a “smart drug,” as it can improve alertness, mental acuity, planning & decision-making skills, and focus. It also helps boost memory, motivation, & energy and reduces fatigue. Modafinil comes as a generic version under different trade names such as Modafil MD, a popular sublingual modafinil med. The drug is safe and effective for most users;
  • Alpha Brain: The supplement contains natural ingredients such as Bacopa monnieri, Alpha GPC, and huperzine A. It helps improve memory, focus, & mental clarity. It also promotes better sleep & lessens stress;
  • Qualia Mind: This is a nootropic stack that contains over 28 ingredients, including vitamins, amino acids, & plant extracts. It enhances cognitive function, creativity, & energy levels. It also lessens brain fog & improves mood;
  • Mind Lab Pro: It contains 11 natural ingredients, including Bacopa monnieri, lion’s mane mushroom, & Rhodiola rosea. It improves cognitive performance, memory, and mental clarity. It also enhances mood and reduces anxiety;
  • Nooceptin: This is a comprehensive nootropic stack that contains citicoline, L-theanine, ginkgo biloba, and other natural ingredients. It enhances memory & focus and promotes neurogenesis. It also improves mood and reduces stress & anxiety;
  • Noocube: It contains natural ingredients such as Bacopa monnieri, Alpha GPC, and L-theanine. Noocube increases attention, motivation, & creativity, ameliorates memory retention, and lessens brain fog.

There are several other noteworthy nootropics. However, modafinil is considered the best prescription “smart drug” since it’s well-researched, has a high safety profile, & comes with numerous cognitive benefits.


Benefits of Nootropics

All nootropics share about the same cognitive benefits due to a similar mode of action. Here are some of the major advantages of taking brain boosters:

  • augments mental energy: Nootropics optimize the way brain cells use energy and augment glucose & oxygen supplies;
  • boosts concentration: Activities, such as learning and working, require mental endurance. “Smart drugs” powerfully ameliorate the ability to concentrate on one task, heighten mental flexibility, and enhance multitasking;
  • improves mood: Mood swings & anxiety can have an impact on memory, performance, & quality of life. Some dietary supplements stabilize mood & lessen feelings of anxiety, while others, e.g., L-theanine, superbly modulate alpha brainwaves, which boosts relaxed alertness;
  • heightens memory: Memory loss is generally linked with old age, but some memory-ameliorating nootropics like creatine and Bacopa monnieri can heighten memory regardless of age;
  • lowers stress levels: Nootropics helps reduce stress by increasing the body’s resistance to stress & replenish brain chemicals. Adaptogens like Bacopa monnieri & Rhodiola rosea aid the brain in resisting the effect of stress;
  • provides neuroprotective properties: Some nootropics aid in protecting the brain from damage caused by oxidative stress & other factors.

It’s significant to note that the effectiveness of nootropics can vary based on factors such as health, age, & lifestyle habits.

Possible Side Effects of Using Smart Drugs?

“Smart drugs” are generally considered safe when used as directed. However, there are potential side effects that they can cause. These negative effects vary depending on the specific drug or supplement, as well as other factors such as dosage & overall health.

Here are some common negative effects linked with the use of “smart drugs” [2]:

  • insomnia: This may be due to increased alertness or stimulation;
  • headaches: Some nootropics, such as modafinil & racetams, may cause headaches or migraines in some individuals. This side effect may be due to changes in neurotransmitter levels or dehydration;
  • digestive issues: Nootropics, such as Noopept, may cause stomach upset, diarrhea, or nausea;
  • anxiety or jitters: Some cognitive enhancers, such as stimulants, may cause anxiety or jitters in some individuals. This may be due to increased sympathetic nervous system activity.

The above list of negative effects isn’t exhaustive. Always speak with a physician before taking any nootropics or supplements, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are taking other meds.


Nootropics can be an effective way to enhance cognitive function & ameliorate productivity. However, it’s indispensable to choose the right product & use it responsibly to avoid negative effects. If you are considering administering cognitive enhancers, you may select generic modafinil brands or dietary supplements such as Mind Lab Pro & Alpha Brain, which rank high on the list of the best nootropics. Speak with a physician first to ensure that the selected nootropic is safe and efficacious for you.


  1. Corneliu E. Giurgea. Retrieved: March 16, 2023.
  2. Nootropics as Cognitive Enhancers: Types, Dosage and Side Effects of Smart Drugs. By Matej Malík and Pavel Tlustoš. Published: August 2022.
  3. What Are Nootropics? By Kendra Cherry. Medically reviewed by Shaheen Lakhan. Updated: November 3, 2022. Retrieved: March 16, 2023.
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