
Pregnancy Precautions for Mothers

Pregnancy is indeed a critical period for most women and calls for utmost care for both the mother and the baby. The article discusses some important precautions for expectant mothers to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Regular Prenatal Visits

It is vital for the couple to go for all the scheduled prenatal aptitude to assess the health status of the baby and the mother. It is also essential for you to always visit your doctor for various check-ups in an attempt to identify the existence of such complications at an early stage.

Balanced Diet

Adopt a healthy diet that includes taking foods rich in vitamins, taking fruits and vegetables, cereals, lean meat, and dairy products. Folic acid, iron, calcium and DHA should not be ignored when taking any Complan products.

Stay Hydrated

Make sure that you take as many fluids as you can so that you do not have problems with dehydration. Pregnant women need to drink plenty of water to ensure that they replace the reduced amniotic fluid as well as the increased blood volume that is experienced during pregnancy.

Prenatal Vitamins

It is recommended that you take prenatal vitamins according to the prescription given by a healthcare practitioner. Some of these vitamins assist in making up for any shortcomings in the mother’s diet and general nutrition of the baby.

Avoid Harmful Substances

Do not use alcohol, tobacco, and other recreational drugs. These substances can also affect the fetus in this pregnancy and cause such consequences as low birth weight delivery and physical abnormalities.

Limit Caffeine

Avoid too much intake of caffeine, as this commodity should not take more than 200 milligrams of caffeine in a given day, which is equivalent to a 12 ounces cup of coffee. Coffees have beneficial nutrients but taking many cups of coffee may lead to abortion and preterm labor.

Safe Medications

The use of over the counter medications, supplements or herbal remedies should be done under the prescription of a best gynecologist in lahore. Pregnant women should avoid certain drugs since some medications are affecting the fetus during pregnancy.

Proper Exercise

Exercise for 30 minutes or more a day to keep in shape and be ready for labor and delivery. Low impact exercises like walking, swimming and prenatal yoga are relatively safe for pregnant women; however, it’s advisable to contact your doctor before engaging in any new activity.

Avoid Certain Foods

Restrict those products which may contain dangerous bacteria or parasitic organisms like; raw or rare meat and organ meats, unpasteurized dairy products and certain fish, particularly those rich in mercury including Shark, Swordfish, King mackerel.

Practice Good Hygiene

It is recommended that one wash their hands as a way of avoiding infections as they go through their daily activities. Do not expose yourself to people experiencing sickness and regarding food borne sickness, ensure that you wash your hands and prepare the foods hygienically.

Get Enough Rest

Prioritize rest and sleep. Child bearing might be a draining process and therefore sufficient sleep should be taken in order to protect the life of the mother and her unborn child.

Manage Stress

Maintain a proper rest, try to eat well, reduce stress; one can use a notebook and pen, breath, exercise, watch a movie or read books. Chronic stress is not healthy for the mother and has a potential to harm the unborn child; therefore, stress can be relieved.

Avoid Environmental Hazards

Avoid toxic substances in the home environment these include pesticides, lead paint and poisonous cleaning products. Substitute with natural or pregnancy safe products as much as possible.

Monitor Weight Gain

Follow the guidelines of your doctor on how often, and in what way you should monitor your weight increase. Women gain weight during pregnancy and the excess weight put on could result in conditions such as gestational diabetes and hypertension, the deficiency of weight on the other hand could hamper the growth of the baby.

Educate Yourself

Get to know all information concerning pregnancy, labor, and delivery. It is recommended to attend prenatal classes as it prepares a woman for childbirth and matters relating to parenthood.

Listen to Your Body

Being attentive to changes in your body can help drive better communication during a visit to the doctor, concerning any changes or unexplainable symptoms. Trust your body and consult your best gynecologist in Karachi at the earliest if you experience any of the mentioned signs for a healthy pregnancy.


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