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Is Every TESOL Course Out There the Same?

Let’s tackle the critical question head-on. Is every TESOL course out there the same? The answer is an unequivocal ‘no’. If you think the answer is yes, before reading through this post, I’m guessing you also believe Donald Trump’s hair is natural. The truth is that TESOL courses can vary as much as pizza toppings. Some are deliciously comprehensive, offering a well-rounded experience. Others are lacking content and structure. So, how do you separate the gourmet from the garbage? Let’s turn our minds to what makes a brilliant TESOL course and, on the flip side, a TESOL course that doesn’t stack up. 

Hallmarks of a Brilliant TESOL Course

  1. Government-regulated training: Schools and fee-paying English as a Second Language (ESL) students expect their teachers to be qualified to do the job. At best, TESOL courses that are ‘accredited’ by a private Limited Liability Company, which any random person can set up, or by the provider’s mum (or similar), carry personal development value. Teaching is a profession like engineering, accounting, and the like, and it equally demands valid, government-regulated certification.  
  2. Mix of knowledge and skills: If you plan to teach people things, it makes sense that you’ve turned your mind to how people learn things – and other theoretical aspects (the knowledge component) of teaching and learning in an ESL context. Importantly, any decent TESOL course will provide the opportunity for ‘real-life’ teaching practice classes (the skills component) – at least 12 hours – with actual ESL students. Approximately 25% of the teaching practicum must be observed by a qualified assessor who can provide constructive feedback. 
  3. Meaningful job support: Add a ‘sprinkling’ of meaningful job support from a highly-regarded TESOL provider to valid, government-regulated TESOL certification – and you’ll be in a top ESL teaching job in record time. Meaningful job support is multifaceted – instruction on putting together a sharp, one-page curriculum vitae, help with a one-minute introduction video, mock interviews, sharing market information, knowing where the best jobs are at a point in time, and much more. 

Hallmarks of a Dud TESOL Course

Dubious accreditation: Anecdotally, 90%+ of TESOL programmes in Vietnam, where I am currently based, are ‘accredited’ by nothing more than a Limited Liability Company (LLC) that anyone with loose change in their pocket can establish. It’s simply a matter of paying a minimal incorporation fee (less than US $100.00 annually in some jurisdictions) and giving the LLC a name that insinuates validity, relevancy, quality, and the like. This practice is rampant worldwide in the TESOL / TEFL industry, especially in Southeast Asia. If the course isn’t government-regulated, you’ll waste your time and money propping up a ‘diploma mill’. 

Quick and cheap: The old adage “if it looks and sounds too good to be true……” is especially relevant to TESOL and TEFL certification. Teaching knowledge, skills, and quality certification cannot be acquired in a day or two for less than US $40.00, despite what you might read on the internet. The minimum expectation is 120 hours of serious study with a hefty practicum that involves actual ESL students. You can expect to pay between US $1,000.00 to US $1,700.00 for a valid, government-regulated programme. 

Lack of ‘pastoral’ support: There’s no doubt that moving abroad to teach English is right up there with the best adventures our world offers, but it’s not all fun and games. The transition from whatever you were doing in your home country to completing an intensive TESOL programme and, soon after that, starting a new career as an ESL teacher in a foreign country is packed with risk factors. There’s a lot that can go wrong. ‘Pastoral support 101’ – you need to know your course provider ‘has your back’ and is mindful of your physical and emotional welfare. Suppose a TESOL programme doesn’t include help and guidance securing the correct visa, accommodation, job placement, and the like. In that case, it’s clear that the provider isn’t invested in your success. 

Bottom Line

In the 8+ years that I have living and breathing TESOL training and everything to do with teaching jobs abroad, I have only come across one TESOL provider who comes close to offering what I consider to be the perfect preparation for employment as an ESL teacher – AVSE-TESOL in Vietnam and Cambodia. The owner of AVSE-TESOL, Peter Goudge, is a maverick in ESL circles. He’s known for shaking things up (and bad ‘dad’ jokes). Regardless, what Peter Goudge has created is pretty special. If doing a government-regulated TESOL course is something that you’re contemplating, it’s well worth having a look at AVSE. Simply Google ‘AVSE-TESOL Vietnam’. 


At the start of this blog post, I asked the question: Is every TESOL course out there the same? After reading this blog post, I’m confident you’ll agree—the answer is ‘no.’ Feel free to maintain your stance regarding Donald Trump’s hair, but training the next generation of ESL teachers is too important to get wrong. 

Investing in a high-quality, valid, government-regulated TESOL programme will pay off in terms of finding a job and succeeding in the classroom. Don’t cut corners with your training—it’s the foundation of your teaching career.

About the writer: Dave Marchens is from Cornwall in the United Kingdom (UK). He completed Postgraduate studies in Education at the University of Bath in the UK and CELTA certification in Spain. Dave has been teaching English in Southeast Asia since 2016. 


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