How Your Choice of Law School Affects Your Career

You’re sitting there with an acceptance letter from Fordham in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

Also Pondering the existential questions of life—like whether to binge-watch another season of “Suits” or dive into the Fordham Law School ranking details. Ah, the eternal debate! Spoiler alert: That ranking? It’s just one piece of a much larger puzzle. But hey, if a number can determine your fate, lotteries would be way more popular.

Why Rankings Aren’t the Be-All, End-All

You might think a high-ranking law school guarantees a plush corner office overlooking Manhattan. But hang on! Let me tell you about my buddy Mike. He went to a “top-tier” law school—no, not Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Lawyers.

Even though he passed the bar, Mike now practices law from the comfort of his parents’ basement. Why? Because he completely disregarded other crucial factors like campus culture, available resources, and alumni network.

Culture Counts

Imagine spending three years of your life in a place you hate, surrounded by people you can’t stand. That’s not a deleted scene from a legal horror movie; it’s a real risk if you don’t consider the culture of the law school.

Some schools are cutthroat and competitive, while others promote a more collaborative atmosphere. My advice? Visit the campus. Sit in on a class. Stalk the library. Heck, smell the textbooks if you have to!

The Almighty Network

Do not underestimate the power of a solid alumni network. Let’s be real: lawyers love to talk—especially about themselves and where they went to school.

My first job out of law school came from a chance meeting with an alumnus who happened to work at a firm I admired. We connected over terrible cafeteria coffee, and the rest is history.

Real-Life Skills Matter

Have you ever tried to build IKEA furniture using only theoretical knowledge? No? Well, law practice is a bit like that. You can’t argue a case based solely on classroom lectures.

Practical skills like legal research, writing, and client interaction are invaluable. So, when choosing a law school, look for those that offer clinics, externships, and practical courses.

Location, Location, Location!

I don’t mean to sound like a real estate agent here, but location genuinely matters. A law school located in a bustling city often provides better opportunities for internships, job placements, and networking.

If you’re an aspiring entertainment lawyer, for example, a law school in Hollywood-adjacent areas could be a game-changer.

Financial Feasibility

Okay, I saved the most fun topic for last—money! As exciting as counting student loans and living on ramen noodles might sound, it’s worth considering scholarship opportunities and financial aid programs. Remember, you want a law degree, not lifelong debt.


So, should you bother about Fordham Law School’s ranking or any other school’s ranking for that matter? Sure, it can give you a general idea. But don’t let a number dictate your decision. The school you choose will be your home, networking hub, and practical skills lab for at least three years.

And trust me, no ranking can quantify the experience of accidentally walking into a law lecture thinking it’s a Zumba class—yes, it happened to me, but that’s a story for another time.

Now, go on, and make an informed choice. And who knows? The right pick might just land you in the corner office overlooking Manhattan, after all.


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