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How to Prevent Possums from Returning: Tips for Long-Term Control

Possum infestation has become a bit of a menace in different parts of Australia. If you have spotted one in your backyard you may think they are cute and harmless. But in reality, they can be irritating and destructive. Since they make sudden entries, homeowners discover them when the damage has been done. The moment you realize you have a few in your compound, wait to further and hire possum removal Sydney service experts to safeguard your health and property from damage.

Most of us would want to avoid possums straying altogether. Of course, calling pest control Sydney specialists would help remove them but it is practical to possum-proof our properties to prevent their entry in the first place.

It is better to also be informed that possums are protected animals and removing them has to be done properly by certified professionals.

Here below are a few handy suggestions to keep possums away from your premises and have your lawns and gardens safe from their menacing ways.

Use repellant sprays

You can purchase rodent repellent sprays from stores near you. Possums are marsupials and not rodents. But spraying the rodent repellent across garden fringes and home entry points can keep them off from these areas. Since the effect dries up, it is recommended to use these sprays weekly.

Blocking entry points in your home

An effective method of pest prevention is to block off the points of access that make entry tough for these critters like possums. Possums as you would know love to nest in places like roof gaps, wall cavities, and attics. So when you wish to prevent their place, look at these places and identify entry points. To do this you have to observe-

Ø Possum movement in and out of the areas and preferably before night

Ø Trail of feces which may be around the nesting area

Ø Eaves in your home which are likely entry areas

Ø Over hanging tree branches that act as bridges from trees into your roof

Ø Overturned garbage containers or food spills in your gardens, lawns, and yards

So once you have gained some knowledge start blocking the points using materials that possums cannot gnaw through. It may be a wood block or a tin plate.

Using Peppermint oil

Of the many smells possums dislike peppermint is high on the list. So using this oil mixed with water can prove effective in keeping possums away. Simply use the mixture through a spray and use it on your door entrances and in your gardens.

Using Cayenne pepper

Sprinkle cayenne pepper over your garden soil and plants. The pepper is a huge turn-off for possums. Alternatively, you may try boiling water with cayenne pepper or any hot sauce and pour this mixture in a spray bottle once cool. Possums avoid spice and using this spray in your yards and gardens keeps possums out.

Using ammonia

Ammonia has a very prominent and strong odor that repels possums. Mix ammonia in water or vinegar in an equal ratio. While you make the mixture,  take care to wear protective gear like gloves and goggles and spray this only in external areas where possums frequent.

Using garlic and mothballs

Possums have a great deal of dislike for garlic. Simply crush garlic pods and spread them around your property. This is a very easy way to deter them. You may also place mothballs in small perforated sachets around your house as their smell repels possums.

Overall cleanup to prevent possum attack

Keeping garbage in very tightly lidded containers in your yards prevents possums from getting at them. You can keep bins indoors too. Mow your lawns and trim tall grasses and branches to make it unappealing for possums to build a nest.

Using lights and sprinklers

Possums avoid lights. So keep a bright light switched on in your basement, roof, or porch to deter their entry. You can also try to set up movement-activated sprinklers or lights that scare possums off when they enter your gardens at night.

Remove food and water sources

Store your food waste in covered bins and do not allow any water to stand in your external yards. Possums are attracted to vegetables and plants on your property. If you grow a few plants like mint, geraniums, chrysanthemums, and possums get turned off and move away.

Possums love fruits. To protect your vegetables, plants and fruits you can use chicken wire to cover them and block their access to them.

Remember possums are difficult to tackle and at any time if you feel things are going out of hand, call in possum removal Sydney professionals who know the right techniques to remove them safely.

Finally, before you consider opting for professional Pest control Sydney experts, you may try to give the possum an alternative nesting place by setting up an area on a tree in your property a bit far away from your building. You may make this in a box form using weatherproof material. To lure possums you may pale some sweet things or fruits to help them move to the new place.


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