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How to Maximize Personal Relationships in Direct Sales

There are no four words in the English language that can generate as much excitement as being let in on a secret. It’s a great way to start a conversation and build rapport with someone. Relationships are the key to every aspect of life. It’s how we interact with one another and build a sense of trust.

Network marketing, direct sales, MLM, or whatever you want to call person-to-person sales, are built on building relationships. It’s the point of entry with one another, and it’s where curiosity gets converted into committed. Direct sales companies, like USANA Health Sciences, support individuals to become entrepreneurs by showcasing world-class products to their friends, family, and community.

Wanna hear another secret?

Starting you own USANA business and following your entrepreneurial dream can be as easy as being yourself. Direct sales are based on trust and demonstrating your true nature. Build a business by building relationships with others, and there is no limit to the heights you can reach. 

These relationships start with authentic, intentional conversations. Here are some tips to get the chat going.

Be a Product of the Products

The most effective way to share USANA is to share your experience with their high-quality products. Potential customers need to trust your experience with the nutritional supplements, skincare, foods line—whatever it is you’re passionate about. They want to hear how USANA has shaped your life and how you can help them make the smartest selection. They won’t expect you to memorize every single recipe of every single product—they can always do their own research. What they want is your honest assessment of the products and to hear how they have benefited your life.

This is your opportunity to be genuine. Talk openly and honestly why you use USANA and what you’ve found beneficial. They’ll expect you to sound like yourself and give them insight to USANA as if you were a customer, and you are! Create an open and honest space to discuss what you like, the benefits you’ve experienced, and how these results have been part of your self improvement path.

Get Curious About Others

Ever been to a dinner party and there’s that one person who isn’t listening and is only waiting for their turn to talk? It’s pretty annoying, right? One of the quickest ways to turn somebody off is to ignore or disregard them. Not only is it rude, it’s also a horrible way to connect with others.

Direct sales is a running conversation about how to make a difference in one’s life. If you reread that last sentence, the most important word is “conversation.” A conversation is where both parties talk AND listen with one another. So get curious and learn more about your potential customer.

Ask them about their life. Find out what is working for them and what needs attention. Let them share their health goals and ask follow-up questions. Don’t interrupt. Practice listening and processing what they say, and make thoughtful comments. Give them space to share their objectives and hear where they want to take their life. When there is space for you to contribute, offer suggestions that can support their goals.

Think of each conversation as an opportunity to gain insight into their lives. Not only will you build a stronger connection, but it will also help you pinpoint the products or services you can offer. 

Break the Ice

Relationships need to be genuine, but sometimes you just need to get the conversation started. Direct sellers are people persons and love discovering stuff about others. If you have someone who’s interested in USANA but doesn’t know how to share what they’re looking for, consider the following questions:

  • What are your hobbies?
  • How’s your family? Your spouse? Your kids?
  • What’s on your bucket list?
  • What’s something you’ve always wanted to do?
  • Where can you make improvements in your life?

Remember: listen and don’t judge. Small questions can prompt larger conversations. Your intention should be to encourage a dialogue about how USANA can help them achieve their goals.

Put it Up on Instagram

Social media is one of the simplest ways to connect with customers and a great place to share the products you love. Whether you’re promoting a sale, using affiliate links in your bio, casually talking about something new you’re obsessed with, or filming a video to show how to use the product, the opportunities to introduce followers to new products are endless.

Here are some tips for social selling success:

  • Be honest in your reviews. In the era of photoshopped images and deceitful dupes, followers are on the lookout for products that are too good to be true—and they’ll call you out on it.
  • Don’t post and ghost. If you put content about a new product, stick around to answer questions and interact with people who comment. This gives you the opportunity to connect with them one on one or in your DMs.  
  • Always follow your organization’s regulations or ethics guidelines whenever you’re making product or income claims.

Follow Up

To get the results you want and get the most out of your time sharing your experience with USANA, follow up with potential customers. Follow-ups should be done consistently to build and expand your relationships and ensure they know you’re reliable and available.

Just like any great story, there is a beginning, middle, and end. Don’t make the mistake of building the relationship, sharing the products, and failing to follow up. Use this time to remind customers of the benefits of the products, how they’ve helped you, and the potential USANA has for them.

For more information about USANA and the opportunities they offer, visit their website.


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