
How to install a CCTV camera step by step

Are you worried about the security of your company’s facilities? If so, you can not miss the opportunity to install a cctv camera system so you know what happens in every corner when you are not there. 

As an employer, you have the responsibility to guarantee the integrity of all your employees. The idea is that they feel at home and can leave their belongings anywhere because they know that no one will take their belongings. 

However, we know that this is not always the case and that is why these interesting solutions have emerged. Would you like to take a look at them? 

What is a CCTV camera system?

A CCTV or closed-circuit television system is equipment that is connected together to provide images that can be seen by only a group of people who usually work within the same company. 

In the installation process, the client’s needs are taken into account in order to place the cameras in the places they indicate in order to reduce uncertainty during the day. 

There are many CCTV systems available today, ranging from analog, wired, wireless or digital. 

In this sense, the operation is usually very simple: the images are sent by cable to the different monitors where they are appreciated by specialists in the field to make the relevant decisions. 

Thus, the latest systems begin recording when they detect any type of movement and send notifications by text message and email when suspicious activity is determined to be present. 

Steps to install a cctv camera system

Would you like to cctv camera installation? The good news is that nowadays there are companies specialized in the field such as Security Marbella that have years of experience serving customers from different sectors. 

Let’s take a look at the steps to follow for a correct installation. Would you like to see it?

  1. Identify where the cameras will go. You have to assess that they have the necessary visual and that there are no blind spots. 
  2. Evaluate what surface they will be installed on. They can be on wood, metal or concrete.
  3. Open different holes in the chosen surface that will serve to power each of the devices that will show you what is happening around you. 
  4. Make sure that the cables are not too close to rollers or any flammable devices, as the consequences could be catastrophic. 
  5. Now it is time to connect the wires to the different chambers of the circuit and then fix them with screws to their base. 
  6. Check now that on the monitor each of the images looks perfect and that it fits your needs. 

Objectives of the ccv system

There are many objectives that the cctv installation has to fulfill. Let’s see some of them below: 

Protecting your facilities

Of course, we couldn’t start the list without talking about what a closed-circuit system means for the security of your facilities. 

Only you know what it has cost you to build that business that you always dreamed of, visualized and that today is a reality. That is why you have to protect it at all costs from those criminals who want to harm your progress and one way to do it is through cctv. 

Remember that not only customers can steal from you, but also the employees themselves, so it is essential to make a proper filter to have a sufficiently healthy team. 

Offering peace of mind to employees

By installing a camera system, not only will you have more peace of mind, but this will carry over to your co-workers. 

There is nothing worse than working with uncertainty about what will happen or where you cannot leave your belongings somewhere because there is a risk of someone taking them. In the medium term, this can be detrimental to the company’s results, and nobody wants to work in such a context. 

Secure the future of your project and create a friendly environment for everyone with CCTV. What are you waiting for to install it? 

Maintain order at all times

On the other hand, when you have many spaces to serve, this system will let you know how you can better serve customers or where there are empty places where you can place merchandise. 

The cctv will be your new ally to take your business to the next level, so do not hesitate and hire Security Marbella to do it for you in the blink of an eye. 

What can they be used for?

There are many utilities that a ccv system can have. Let’s see: 

Crime detection

How many times have you seen on TV series how many cases are solved thanks to the use of video cameras that recorded just the moment when the crime took place or allowed to identify one of the offenders?

This is one of the great utilities offered by these systems, so it is increasingly used by government entities. 


A large number of homeowners rely on cctv to detect any unusual entry into their homes or to warn burglars that if they break in they will show up on some of the cameras. 

There is no doubt that it is a very profitable investment that will give peace of mind to your entire family. 

Traffic control

Last but not least, the cameras are used to monitor traffic, report possible accidents and violators who put the lives of others at risk. 

What would you use cctv cameras for? 


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