
How long does LSD stay in your system?

LSD is a dangerous hallucinogenic drug that is relatively easy to manufacture. This potent drug is taken orally and alters the user’s mood. Unfortunately, LSD is relatively easy to find on the dark web and its availability has prompted a spike in use among young adults over the recent years. This has left many drug rehabilitation personnel wondering, “How long does LSD stay in your system?”

It’s important to understand a little bit about the drug and how it interacts with the human body before answering that question. While the effects of LSD can last up to twelve hours or more, its impact on a user’s thought patterns and perceptions can last for weeks after taking the drug. This dangerous psychedelic drug causes profound changes in a user’s mental state. Here’s what you need to know.

What is LSD?

LSD is an acronym that stands for lysergic acid diethylamide. A Swiss chemist discovered the drug by accident back in 1938 after a mishap caused him to ingest the drug. LSD is taken orally and is usually on small pieces of paper called tabs or in pill form. It enters the bloodstream pretty quickly once ingested and the user begins to feel the mood-altering effects.

LSD binds to a user’s serotonin receptors causing an altered state of consciousness as well as a host of other effects. Users may experience profound effects including hallucinations, sensory overload, and sensory combinations. All the extra activity in the user’s prefrontal cortex often leads to distortions in time and vision perception along with sensory blending, like visualizing sounds or listening to colors.

How long does LSD stay in your system?

When answering the question, “How long does LSD stay in your system?” It’s important to understand the different variables which may affect that answer. There are many tests that can be used to detect LSD in a user’s system such as hair follicle testing, saliva, blood, and even urine testing. The type of test used will determine how long the drug or its metabolites can be detected.

  • Hair Follicle Testing – A hair follicle test can detect LSD 90 days after the last ingestion.
  • Blood Testing – Blood testing, which is often used in medical settings, can detect LSD and its metabolites twelve hours after the last ingestion.
  • Saliva Testing – Saliva testing can detect LSD 24 hours after it was last used.
  • Urine Testing – Urine testing can detect the presence of LSD or its metabolites 4 days after the last ingestion.

Is LSD addictive?

While LSD addiction is rare, it does happen. This powerful drug is classified as a controlled substance by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and is illegal in most countries. Users tend to build a tolerance to the drug over time, eventually requiring more and more of the drug to achieve the desired effect. LSD addiction varies among individuals and requires a combination of multiple therapies to overcome successfully.

A Powerful Hallucinogenic

LSD is a powerful hallucinogenic drug that can be dangerous and addictive. While it affects everyone a little differently, it often alters mood and perception. LSD addiction may require medical intervention and a combination of therapies to successfully overcome. If you have taken LSD in the past, stop now. It can have debilitating long term effects on the brain. If you or a loved one may be addicted to LSD, seek medical advice to put together a safe and effective treatment plan. LSD is a dangerous drug and addiction to this drug can be overcome.


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