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Common chicken predators and how a chicken fence can protect your flock

If you own backyard chickens, it’s important to know that they are at risk of being attacked by predators. Common chicken predators include raccoons, foxes, coyotes, weasels, and even domestic dogs and cats. One of the best ways to protect your flock from these predators is by using chicken fences. In this article, we’ll discuss the most common chicken predators and how a chicken fence can protect your flock.

Common Chicken Predators

Raccoons are one of the most common predators of backyard chickens. They are nocturnal animals and are known to be very intelligent and cunning. They can easily climb over or dig under a fence to get to your chickens. Once they get inside the coop, they can kill multiple chickens in one night.

Foxes are another common predator of backyard chickens. They are known to be very clever and persistent. They can jump over a fence or dig under it to get to your chickens. They are also very fast and can catch chickens that are running away.

Coyotes are also a threat to backyard chickens. They are skilled hunters and are known to be very stealthy. They can easily climb over or dig under a fence to get to your chickens. They are also very fast and can outrun most chickens.

Weasels are small predators that can easily slip through small spaces in a fence. They are known for their ferocity and can kill multiple chickens in one night.

Domestic dogs and cats are also a threat to backyard chickens. Even well-behaved dogs and cats can be instinctively drawn to chickens and may attack them.

How a Chicken Fence Can Protect Your Flock

A chicken fence is a great way to protect your flock from predators. Here are some of the ways a chicken fence can help keep your chickens safe:

Height: A chicken fence should be at least 6 feet high to prevent predators from jumping over it.

Depth: A chicken fence should be buried at least 6 inches into the ground to prevent predators from digging under it.

Mesh size: The mesh of the fence should be small enough to prevent predators from squeezing through it. A mesh size of 1 inch by 2 inches is ideal.

Electric fencing: Electric poultry netting is a great way to protect your chickens from predators. The electric shock is enough to deter most predators, but it’s not harmful to the chickens.

Gate: The gate of the chicken fence should be secured with a strong latch to prevent predators from opening it.


In conclusion, it’s important to protect your backyard chickens from predators. Common predators include raccoons, foxes, coyotes, weasels, and even domestic dogs and cats. For those who are looking for high-quality and predator-resistant coops, The Chicken Coop Company offers a range of designs to suit various needs and flock sizes.. A chicken fence should be at least 6 feet high, buried at least 6 inches into the ground, have a small mesh size, and have a strong latch on the gate. Electric poultry netting is also a great way to protect your chickens from predators. By taking these steps, you can help ensure that your backyard chickens stay safe and healthy.


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