EducationReasons Why Islamic Education is Important 

Reasons Why Islamic Education is Important 


When we search in Google which religious community is most educated, we get the result that means Jews, but if we modify this question a bit and search which religious community is most educated in the 13th century, then we get the result. This is about Islam and a whole page of Wikipedia appears in which Islamic Golden is mentioned in the following section. That’s what induces us to the reasons why Islamic Education is Important.

6 Reasons Why Islamic Education is Important for All

Let’s discover how Islamic knowledge plays an integral role in pursuing the worldly and after-death life. 

  1. Helps Reshape the Distorted Image of the Muslims  

There was a time when Muslims brought a revolution in the whole world on the basis of their knowledge and wisdom education and today Muslims are being attacked in every part of the world and the Jew-fed media has portrayed Muslims in such a way that either Indians Whether a Muslim is working in a meat shop or in a tailoring shop, the media here wants to tell that the high level educated posts never belonged to Muslims but in Europe and the Western world, there are some Muslims who have followed this kind of misconceptions by media philosophy bringing about some scientific developments and revolutionary changes in the world. So, Islamic education ultimately leads us to pursue worldly knowledge. 

  1. Islamic Knowledge Debate Ability  

The first and most basic step to impart quality education to a person is choosing the right educational institute, especially in the Western world.  Muslim parents often neglect the fact that worldly education is taught along with the teachings of Islam and its beautiful values. Though, it is the perfect form of education a child needs to blossom into a beautiful human being. Likewise, the children will be able to confront the debate on Islam in the schools. Parents should teach their kids islamic from beginning and their kids can learn islam in islamic classes for kids where tutors can teach them all about islam. 

  1. Preparation For Criticism Handling  

 Islamic education is necessary for students who attend Public or state schools. Now Why Islamic education is important for the students leads to the answer that these youngsters have to counter the misconceptions about Islam. It also guarantees that Allah will make an easy way to enter paradise for those who seek knowledge. It means whoever chooses the right path and remains steadfast to it will be rewarded by Allah and will have a beautiful life after death. 

  1. Constructive Society  

Islamic Education plays a crucial role in a person’s life, and good quality education has a major role in character building and the overall personality development of agile societies. Societies are made up of students, and their education reflects on society. Islamic education students build a positive society willing to work towards a better future for the world. All this is only possible with proper education. It is also the best form of education to teach children the true values of Islam from an early age. 

  1. Strong Foundation of Belief  

One of the most important logical reasoning for the children to attend Islamic classes online or in an Islamic institute for Islamic education is that it will lay a very strong foundation of Islamic beliefs in them. Parents might not have complete knowledge of the faith and hence fail to provide the correct knowledge of Islam. The young minds of children are very impressionable. If they are taught the correct teachings of Islam, like Tawheed, Seerah of the Prophet, Quranic Arabic, and the importance of doing good deeds, it is more likely that they will grow up to become better practicing Muslims as compared to those children who do not receive a proper Islamic education. 

  1.  Addressing Social Norms 

Free mixing is a common thing that parents tend to overlook when choosing a conventional educational institute over one that is Islamic. Islamic schools have separate classes for boys and girls, thus abiding by the laws of Islam which should never be neglected. Most of the institutes have a dress code for girls that is immoral and extremely un-Islamic. Young girls dressed in short skirts are an open invitation to fitna. When girls are made to wear more modest clothes from a young age, they develop a liking and understanding of the importance of hijab and dress according to the guidelines of Islam. 


It is common knowledge that Islam is a complete way of life. Though it also imparts Islamic education to kids to determine that they are well-prepared to lead a life based on the principles of Islam. Almost all major towns in the UK and US have at least one Islamic school where parents can send their children to obtain Islamic education along with conventional subjects like English, Math, and Science. The shift from traditional education to an Islamic one, especially in the foundation years of the child, is the need of the hour, considering the widespread fitna and misconceptions about Islam. 

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