
What Makes a Great Leader in the Workplace?

It takes a lot to be a successful leader. It’s not just about what you bring to the table every day. It’s also about what you learn along the way and how you use what you have to respond to what’s in front of you.

A true leader is not born in a day but occurs over a lifetime, and what makes an effective leader in the workplace is a long list. Leadership may mean something different to each person, from positive communication to self-awareness, courage, and respect.

Here are what we believe are the central keys to a great leader.


As a leader in charting the course for any team or organization, they must have integrity and honesty. Many aspiring leaders lack this highly important quality, so they don’t receive the support and trust they would otherwise have. Integrity matters.

A great leader must inspire. If you aren’t motivating your team to work, they won’t feel connected or engaged with what they’re doing. A leader must put in the time and try to get everyone excited about the goal you’ve set.

Leadership Development

A key leadership quality is nurturing team members in their personal and professional development, cultivating them to be their leaders. A successful leader breeds leadership qualities in those around them. This includes offering training opportunities, teaching them new skills, challenging them, and encouraging team members to find the leader in themselves.

A true leader is always learning. Leadership development is about developing and redeveloping one’s abilities, addressing strengths and weaknesses, and improving skills. Leaders are made. Remember that. Anyone with the passion to lead and the right resources can learn to lead successfully. This is what leadership development is all about.

Facilitate Teamwork

A great leader is only as great as their team is. It’s all about selecting the right team members and facilitating teamwork at every opportunity. A team that’s together and working together makes for a powerful organization.

An effective leader must know how to communicate individually and with a group. A true leader can transmit information directly and concisely and isn’t uncomfortable in any communication setting. They must be equally excellent at listening to respond effectively to who they’re communicating with.

Invite Opinions

Invite new opinions, ideas, criticism, and input. A great leader does not always come up with the best idea. It’s likely to come from somewhere, or from someone else, and a great leader must recognize that. Encourage employees to give their opinions and share their voices.


The more you understand about recognizing your strengths and weaknesses, the more effective a leader you will be. Self-awareness is understanding how others view you and taking the steps to reinforce or change that, depending on what you want your perception to communicate.


Appreciate others. Recognize hard work. Publicly congratulate people. Thank you in work settings. Team members work harder for a leader they know is watching and appreciating them. Showing gratitude in the workplace can mean so much.


Have the courage to voice a new idea, flag a concern, and address and tackle difficult circumstances. Don’t avoid problems or let conflicts fester. Be courageous to stand up, resolve situations, and move things forward.


A great leader does not get far and truly become a great leader without respecting their team on a daily basis. A culture of respect is a necessity.

Be inclusive and empathetic when dealing with difficult information. Treat your team gently. By prioritizing positive workplace conditions for those around you, you make it easier for employees to come to work, enjoy themselves with one another, and engage in their work.


Leaders must be able to make large-scale decisions quickly and efficiently. An organization moves based on its leaders’ guidance.

A great leader does not do everything themselves. They delegate to the correct stakeholders and employ resources effectively to ensure the organization functions optimally. A great leader does not waste time micro-managing. They trust the people they have put in charge to do the tasks and roles they have been given.


Be agile. Situations change, and you need to respond quickly. Be as quick of a study on everything as you can be. Not everyone is, and that’s okay. The more unfamiliar circumstances you encounter, the more agile you become. It takes practice.

Great leaders innovate and solve problems. They don’t see problems as problems but as opportunities. As a leader, you have to run towards problems and not practice avoidance. This is what your team expects and requires to be functional. For more insights and ideas, refer to the Chronus leadership development guide.


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