Sports7 Must-Try Drills for Precision Training with Golf Practice...

7 Must-Try Drills for Precision Training with Golf Practice Mats


Refining your swing takes more than hitting a bucket of balls. To ingrain repeatable mechanics, integrate purposeful drills using a quality practice mat. The following seven drills isolate specific elements of precision to dial in your game.

Perfect Posture

Proper form starts with ideal posture and setup at address. Place alignment rods parallel to the mat under each shoulder. Stand tall with spine straight and knees flexed. Set hips so rods touch middle back and front thigh. Grip club and align to target. Repeat your setup checking rod positions without moving feet. Lock in muscle memory for perfect posture. You must sign up for Precision Training with Golf Practice Mats: 24/7 Golf.

Groove Gate Drill

Consistent takeaway depends on proper sequencing to initiate the backswing. Place two alignment sticks in the ground roughly a club head’s width apart, forming a “gate.” Swing club back between gate, keeping arms and club on the same plane. Gate forces correct elbow positioning and swing direction. Repeat to engrain a compact one-piece takeaway.

Turn and Shift

Coil your upper body against steady lower body in the backswing for maximum power. Set a ball a few inches outside your midpoint. Swing back turning shoulders while keeping lower body still so club hovers over the ball. Feel the rotational resistance in your core. Repeat to master separating upper and lower body motion.

Impact Bag Drills

Hone in on compressing irons with a strike-enhancing impact bag. Set bag a couple inches behind the ball and make crisp, downward blows with irons to sweep the bag forward. Vary ball position and club selection. The bag feedback helps train a steep angle of attack for consistent solid contact.

Alignment Accuracy

Aiming properly is crucial for keeping shots on-target. Set two clubs on the mat pointing to your alignment stick target. Set up to the target and check club and feet alignment match the guides before swinging. Ingrain this pre-shot routine to ensure you’re aimed correctly every time.

Trademark Drill

Match your unique impact position and “trademark” divot pattern. Check the bottom of the face is squared and divot goes straight back at set up. Hit shots focused on replicating your defined impact signature. Consistently matching your trademark strike with all clubs improves blade and long iron play.

Gate Release Drill

Releasing the club properly in the downswing generates maximum speed. Swing to the top then release the club through the takeaway “gate” you created. Feel the club shallowing into a wide arc around the body for full lag and whip. Release through impact out toward the target for added velocity.

Applied practice using a mat trains not just swing mechanics but engrains setup, alignment, sequencing and impact for precision. As you master these technical elements, your technique will become second nature. So grab your mat and transform your game through purposeful, focused drills.

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