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5 Simple Tips for Enhancing Romance in a Relationship

No matter how long you have been in your current relationship, a dose of romance can make it look like what you see in the movies. There is much heart-touching stuff you can do just to keep a romantic relationship going.
Yes, you know, that’s what’s up.

Movies like Love Actually and When Harry Met Sally are the best starters where you can get sweet romantic ideas. The thing is, in real life, roses, teddy bears, and chocolates don’t get the work done well. Nah!

 If you don’t want to end up getting stuck in a relationship (or marriage) where you are battling with love issues, then you need to step up your romance game. Every couple needs it.

Is romance necessary in a relationship?

Is that a question?

Romance is key when it comes to any relationship. There are no two ways about it. However, many partners fail to see its importance in a relationship.

If you want to rekindle love, then there is no magic other than adding romance and affection to the equation.

5 ways to rekindle romance in relationships

There are so many ways to rekindle romance. Having understood the importance of romance and affection in a relationship, let’s look at 5 important ways to rekindle them.

Without wasting time, let’s get straight at it.

1. First, work on yourself

No magic can make your partner happy if you are not happy yourself. Fight those issues that affect your happiness, such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and the rest. That way, you’d be able to make your partner happy.

2. Iron things out

The first and most important step you can take in your relationship is to talk things out. Talking or constant communication does not kill romance; it mends it well.

The two partners need to talk about almost everything. Talk about your future—what and where you aspire to be.

Talking things out tells you as a couple that you have the power to spice up your relationship with romance, passion, and excitement.

So, always talk things out and don’t leave room for any grudges.

3. Plan fun weekends

Everybody likes fun. There’s no individual created on earth that doesn’t like a fit of fun on a timely basis, if not all the time.

Any relationship without fun is already dead. Create an activity plan for you and your spouse to enjoy a fun time together.

Do this at least once a week. We suggest you do this every weekend. Dedicate your Saturdays and Sundays sometimes, and see what good it does you.

So, if you want to spark up your relationship romance, make weekends as lively as possible

4. Reminisce

Time, they say, can heal. So too is time well spent. Having good memories of quality time spent with a loved one has a lot of positive psychological effects.

Reminiscing about sweet or sensual moments spent together is another strong relationship booster. Bring out pictures of your past trip, and check those Valentine cards or gift toys.

These activities can reignite attraction and intimacy, a good relationship tip to keep handy for the perfect romance in a relationship.

5. Befriend other couples

Networking and socializing are another good way to rekindle romance in your relationship. Never mind it came last on the least, because it sure is not the least.

The best way to learn a lifestyle is by experience, it is often said. Becoming friends with other couples you’ve observed doing well is necessary when you need a relationship model.

When you friend other couples, you are creating some form of support system and opening the way for deeper conversations the two of you wouldn’t have normally engaged in.


A relationship without romance is as good as dead. Anything can happen at any time, and it can break. When such happens, you begin to ask yourself questions like, Why did it happen?

No matter the degree of the gesture—small or great—there are so many things you can do to add romance to a relationship. The thing that matters is the effort you put into achieving that goal.

In this article, you have seen five important ways you can rekindle romance in your relationship. 


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